Robotic challenges at the Manetti Porciatti Polo
The Grosseto Higher Institute hosted the final competitions of the PNSD "Robotic Challenges" project, of which it was the winner in 2021.
There were 18 teams that participated from four middle schools in San Giovanni Valdarno and Grosseto. The competition, in the Rescue Line category, consisted of having the robot follow a path and recover some objects, all within a time limit.
In first place were the students of the Galilei middle school with the "Galilei Brigade", composed of Bianca Elena Davide, Alessandro Mussio and Flori Bacci. Mentors: Laura Camilli, Alba Cerbucci and Maria Giulia Mattera.
In second place BAgAtEcH of the Masaccio di San Giovanni Valdarno, made up of Velotti, Tofanelli, Cabellini, Ceccarelli, Petracchi, Saracini, Focardi and mentor Simonetta Federico, Palagi.
In third place again was a team from Masaccio "Le Due Lune", with the students Balucci, Ligia, Rossini, Brussa Leo, Tofanelli and Dingh.
“I thank Professor Daniele Dattrino for the commitment he put into organizing this event - comments the school director of the Manetti Porciatti Technological Polo, Claudio Simoni - and the students who supported and supported him, as well as the teaching and non-teaching staff involved in logistical aspects. I welcome the fact that, for some time now, we have assumed a leading role in the sector of educational robotics thanks to the work carried out over the years by our Institute. Today we reap the fruits of this constant and qualified work which has made everyone grow, starting with our students."