The school year opens at Polo Manetti Porciatti
First day of school at Manetti Porciatti in Grosseto where hopes and good intentions intertwine, especially in the case of the new students in the first classes. These, together with their families, waited for the call from their fifth-year tutor colleagues to accompany them to class and guide them through the intricacies of this new experience. A custom that the new school principal, Angelo Costarella, also wanted to maintain, meeting them in the square in front of the CAT headquarters, in via De Barberi, together with the collaborators, professors Teresa Cimino and Maria Pia Betti and professor Andrea Lelli, head of the complex.
We know that this is a crucial moment for boys and girls. A turning point in their school career, but also in their life - Professor Costarella began -. I spoke to them explaining that the Polo, in its teaching and non-teaching component, will always be available to help them in this delicate training and educational path. Naturally, this path must be helped by their correctness and commitment, elements that must never be lacking. I have seen very motivated and aware boys and girls and this gives me hope, considering the difficulties of a technical school in which scientific subjects are priority elements.
The new students were called by class by the eighteen tutors of the three-year period and accompanied to their respective classrooms, where, excited by the new experience, they followed with curiosity and participation their more experienced colleagues in discovering the subjects of the chosen major, the Institute Regulations, the use of the electronic register and the importance of collegial bodies, such as the class assembly.