Erasmus + scholarships for CAT students

We inform you that, as part of the Erasmus+ program for education, training, youth and sport in Europe, the project of the Fondazione Geometri Italiani “Skills Updating tRough VEt mobilitY arOund euRope - SURVe.YOR ” has been financed, approved from INAPP.

There are three learning areas that benefit interns:

  1. Technical-professional - an improvement is expected in the use of the Autocad program, from the ability to create two-dimensional graphics to interpret maps and cartography;
  2. Transversal - participants will be able to improve their ability to: relate to colleagues and supervisors; organize the work based on the priorities indicated by the company tutor; communicate with end customers;
  3. Linguistic - learners will improve their ability to express themselves in English in the work context. resulting in an increase in employment potential.

The project is intended for 24 graduates of the Construction, Environment and Territory Institute, CAT who will be able to carry out a training internship in Ireland or Malta , acquiring skills related to three professional figures: construction site technician, construction designer, BIM systems technician .

We therefore inform the students of the V CAT classes (4AQ and 5ATL) of the Institute that this notice opens up the possibility for them to apply to participate in the selection to obtain mobility scholarships ( 14 scholarships for Malta, n. 10 scholarships for Ireland ) for a period of 120 days.

Young graduates who, on the date of publication of the announcement, will be able to apply to participate in the project:

  • are in possession of Italian or other country citizenship, provided that the chosen country of destination does not require an entry visa;
  • have even a basic knowledge of the English language;
  • are attending the last year of high school specializing in "Construction, Environment and Territory" at the time of submitting the application and who will have obtained their high school diploma by the date of departure (presumably October 2022).

The application for participation in the project must consist of the following documents:

  • ANNEX A – application for participation;
  • Curriculum Vitae complete with photo of the candidate
  • Motivational letter in Italian and English;
  • copy of any certifications held (linguistic or otherwise);
  • copy of a valid identity document.

All the documentation indicated above must be sent, in PDF format and using the formats specifically prepared and attached to this circular, by 03/24/2022 , exclusively via email to the following email address:

The selection of trainees will be carried out by a special examining commission appointed by the Italian Surveyors Foundation.



03. Europass CV template_1.docx

lettera motivazionale IT-EN.pdf

Fondazione Geometri Italiani - Bando selezione per neodiplomati 2021_2022.pdf

Domanda di partecipazione per diplomati luglio 2022.pdf

Circolare ERASMUS+ Classi quinte Collegio Geometri Italiani .pdf