BUDS BUDDING MOBILITY 2023 - Call for applications for STUDENTS

Students of the IV classes of this Institute are informed that this notice opens up the possibility for them to apply to participate in the selection to obtain the following VET (Vocational Education and Training) mobility grants provided for carrying out professional internships in Europe recognizable in the the scope of the Paths for Transversal Skills and Orientation - PCTO:

2 scholarships intended for mobility experience lasting 28 days in the following destinations:

  • Valencia (ES) departure approximately May 15, 2024;
  • Coruña (ES) departure approximately May 17, 2024;
  • Malta departure approximately May 20, 2024.

We publish the relevant notice attached.


All. 2 Europass CV template.doc

All. 1 lettera motivazionale.doc

Avviso reperimento studenti BBUM.pdf