The Sala Pegaso of the Palazzo della Provincia hosted the first Diploma Day of the Manetti Porciatti Technological Center of Grosseto. A celebratory moment to deliver the deserved fruit of five years of study and the first real certification that can offer the possibility of making use of transversal technical skills in the workplace or the knowledge to continue the training course in a university setting. The morning was introduced by the head teacher, Claudio Simoni, who thanked the students and the teaching class. The principal's speech was followed by the institutional ones of the provincial councilor with responsibility for school buildings, Cecilia Buggiani and the deputy mayor of Grosseto, Fabrizio Rossi. In addition to them, the graduates present greeted the president of the Order of Engineers, Gianluca Monaci, that of the College of Surveyors, Patrizio Sgarbi and the teachers Vincenzo Di Gennaro representing the CAT, Gianfrancesco Santagati for the Evening and professor Sabrina Giuliano for the Steam Girls. Among the graduates, sixteen 100 stood out, of which three with honours, and thirty-three who reached or exceeded the mark of 90 out of 100. "Interesting data - commented the head teacher - which shows both the commitment of the students in a moment not simple, and that of the teachers who tried to provide them with the tools to easily face the obstacle of the "maturity" exam. “I consider myself very satisfied with the results achieved by our graduates - is the comment of the director, Claudio Simoni - which shows how our school has reached very high levels of excellence, recognized when our students, after leaving the Institute, undertake work paths in companies , carry out technical activities as professionals, or when they decide to engage in university studies. We are well aware of the obstacles that have punctuated the last two years, with distance learning and large periods of unuse of the laboratories. Thanks to the commitment of the teaching staff, as far as possible, activities were carried out in physical and virtual spaces, trying to mitigate the difficulties that distance learning brings as a direct consequence." The manager then focused on who achieved the most. “ Thirteen 100s and three 100s with honors - he explains - are testimony to the great work that these students have done in the five years leading up to the exam. Boys who have demonstrated extraordinary qualities, both in routine school activities and by participating in competitions and initiatives to which the Polo has participated, pushing us to obtain sensational results at a national and international level. Finally, addressing the graduates he said: “It is you, our already great pride. It is you who look forward, with joy in your eyes and the certainty of a future yet to be built. It's you, the school."
These are the evaluations achieved, greater than or equal to 90/100, among which emerges the curiosity represented by the students of V Elettrotecnica, who all obtained an evaluation within this range.
5thA Mechanics Mechatronics Energy: Volodymyr Domrachov (100), Giovanni Agostini (95), Gioele Ingrasselino (95), Lorenzo Fe' (93), Luca Monaci (90)
Evening Construction, Environment and Territory: Francesca Tomaselli (100), Barbara Maggini (94), Marco Mori (94)
Evening Computer Science: Govorov Konstantin (87)
5th Cat Wood Technologies: Tobia Angelini (1oo), Marco Massai (100), Leonardo Santi (98), Rachele Camarri (98)
5th Electronics: Gabriele Benetello (100)
5th Electrical Engineering: Matteo Piacentini (100 cum laude), Riccardo Benetello (100), Mattia Guercia (100), Emanuel Pier Giorgio Salvadori (100), Andriy Shvalyuchynskyy (100), Matteo Valiani (100), Giuseppe Canciello (98), Alessio Ventura (90)
5th A Computer Science and Telecommunications: Filippo Domenichini (100 cum laude), Jacopo Cecconi (100), Niccolò Rovai (100), Matteo Veri (94), Simone Bartolini (90)
5th B Computer Science and Telecommunications: Alessandro Manfucci (100 cum laude), Donaldo Buzi (100), Zakaria Korchi (96), Andrea Rispoli (96), Andrea Luigi Ferraro (95), Jacopo Lucido (93), Gabriele Turchetti (93 ).