THE Bottle4Print STARTUP of the 4ATL class AMONG THE 20 BEST IN ITALY
The 4ATL class of the Manetti Porciatti Technological Center is among the 20 best Italian B-StartUps. The result was proclaimed in the change maker competition held on May 21st.
The project carried out in collaboration with InventoLab, a B Corp in Italy that deals with training with the aim of spreading the culture of environmental sustainability, entrepreneurship and digital innovation, concerned the creation of the B-StartUpBottle4Print.
The project, coordinated by prof. Pizzinelli, who started last January and under the supervision of the mentor Silvia Mugnaini and the contact person Elena Toni, planned a 15-hour PCTO where the students designed a system for recycling plastic bottles from vending machines with the aim of creating filaments for the 3D printer.
In addition to the development of the idea, the prototype and the advertising, the project also included all the financial development: from any profits, the students thought of creating their own water fountain with the aim of reducing plastic consumption.
An important path, faced with seriousness and commitment which allowed students to develop the necessary knowledge within the courses for transversal skills and orientation which also goes hand in hand with the introduction of Financial Education within the Civic Education courses with the aim of creating an aware and active citizen.
To delve deeper into the idea: