" Training to train new skills for the teaching of tomorrow "

The following project is entirely free as it is financed with the resources of the POR ESF TUSCANY 2014-2020 - Project approved with DD2334 of 04/01/2022

To register click on the following link:

SITE dedicated to the "PERFORMARE" project


The Manetti Porciatti Technological Center is the leader of the project "PERFORMARE - Training to train new skills for the teaching of tomorrow", presented in partnership with Assoservizi Srl and financed with Managerial Decree n.23334 of 04/01/2022 published in the Burt on 12 /01/2022 from the Tuscany Region with resources from the POR ESF 2014/2020 based on the public notice "Covid-19 - Development of digital skills in secondary schools for integrated digital teaching/e-learning" - Axis C - EDUCATION AND TRAINING, activity C.1.1.3.A, expiring on 10/15/2021 and the documents referred to therein.

The project is aimed at protecting the right to education and training of teachers through the acquisition of new skills and digital skills necessary for employment, personal growth and social inclusion.

The PERFORMARE Project offers training interventions aimed at the teaching staff of the Manetti-Porciatti Technological Center and aimed at developing digital skills for:

→ facilitate teachers in accessing Integrated Digital Teaching/e learning methodologies to support students in the use of DAD and E learning.

→ - be able to plan teaching knowing the use of new technologies, helping to integrate formal teaching methodologies with informal ones, modifying learning environments in such a way as to make them more consistent with needs and new learning methods boys

→ facilitate the use of IT tools and equipment

The PERFORMARE project involves the creation of the following training courses open to all teachers of the Manetti-Porciatti Technological Centre:

❖ PLANNING NEW TEACHING WITH DIGITAL DEVICES - 24 hours - 10 participants - 3 editions o The training course aims to make teachers reflect on the effectiveness of digital teaching strategies and to experiment and develop new educational formats and methods. The course will be carried out in person at the School's laboratories and will have an experimental and laboratory approach.

❖ STRATEGIES FOR CONDUCTING AN EFFECTIVE LESSON - USE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE DIFFERENT PHASES OF TEACHING AND LEARNING - 8 hours - 10 participants - 3 editions o The training course aims to make people understand which teaching strategies make a lesson effective through the use of digital technologies. The course will be carried out in Synchronous FAD mode.

❖ DIGITAL TOOLS FOR INCLUSIVE TEACHING FOR DSA AND BES – 8 hours – 10 participants – 2 editions o The training course aims to provide tools capable of implementing concrete inclusive strategies in the integrated management of the class group. The training activity will be carried out in Synchronous FAD mode.

❖ GOOGLE SUITE TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGIES – 8 hours – 10 participants – 3 editions o The training course aims to make teachers autonomous in using the Gsuite for Education platform applications to encourage greater inclusion, personalization and active involvement of the students. The course will be carried out in person at the School's laboratories and will have an experimental and laboratory approach.

ACCESS REQUIREMENTS: be a teacher at the Manetti Porciatti Technological Centre


WEEKLY CALENDAR: twice a week in the afternoon

PLACE OF CONDUCTION: the training activities will be carried out in person at the headquarters of the Manetti-Porciatti Technological Center or via videoconference.

To enrol, deliver the following documentation, available at the office, to the vice-presidency office of the “Polo Tecnologico Manetti Porciatti” school by 11/04/2022: - Original application form; - Copy of the identity document; - CV in Europass format, dated and signed. Each teacher can enroll in one or more courses.

If the number of applications received exceeds the places available for each course, selections will take place on 12/04 by the school, in collaboration with the training agency on CV analysis (prior teaching experience in IeFP courses, IFTS, ITS, number of weekly hours of assignment in the same class, number of training courses already attended in the same subject of the course) and individual interview.

Pietro Minutolo
Emanuela Lorenzoni
or Tiziana Carrozzino,, Tel. 0564/468805