After the success of the workshops at the Polo, activated in the first days of the school year and which saw the participation of many students from middle schools in the province, Manetti Porciatti inaugurates the series of Open Days tomorrow (Saturday 11 November), to allow those who have to make the choice of high school to do so in an informed manner, by visiting the premises and laboratories provided by the school.

There are over 60 families interested in the visit on Saturday 11th, but of course there is still the possibility for latecomers to register by filling out the form on the Polo orientation website, .

“I am happy that the intense work developed by the Orientation staff - comments the head teacher Claudio Simoni - gives such exciting results. The technical preparation of our students and the skills they acquire are today highly appreciated in the workplace to such an extent that it is very difficult, if not impossible, for businesses and companies to find technicians to employ, such is their small number. For some years now, a huge growth has been represented by the female component who has finally understood the importance of approaching technical-scientific studies, capable of offering a career in this field." The other orientation appointments are scheduled for Saturday 25 November, when the children will be able to experience laboratory activities led by teachers of the sector's disciplines, on 14 December from 3pm to 6pm, on 14 January from 9.30am to 12.30pm, on 20 January and on January 27th again from 3pm to 6pm.