The news

Book your visit to our laboratories on November 19th

Book your visit to our laboratories on November 19th

CAMBRIDGE certifications as 2022/23

Activation of courses to obtain Cambridge KETfs, PETfs, FCE and CAE certifications. --DEADLINE 15 DECEMBER--

Interculture - live and study abroad 2023/24

"Intercultural" information aimed at children in the second, third and fifth classes of the Institute: presentation of the "live and study abroad 2022/23" programs

DIGI SKILLS Project - Free courses

Free E-COMMERCE SPECIALIST and DATA ANALYST skills certification courses - registration by 13 September 2022

Robotic challenges at the Manetti Porciatti Polo

The Institute in Via Brigate Partigiane confirms itself as one of the most technologies of Tuscany. The Grosseto Higher Institute hosted the final competitions of the PNSD "Robotic Challenges" project, of which it was the winner in 2021.